
推廣 熱搜: 檢測  分析儀器  分析儀  凱氏定氮  低溫槽  烘箱  磁力攪拌器  均質器  超低溫冰箱  采樣器 


型號: c276
單價: 面議
發(fā)貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 天內發(fā)貨
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 2014-11-01 [已過期]
最后更新: 2014-01-10 15:47
瀏覽次數: 932
哈氏合金,鋯702 和705,英科乃爾和蒙乃爾材料,設備和部件,我公司是進口材料哈氏合金(Hastelloy),鋯702和705 (Zirconium702和705),英科乃爾 (Inconel)和蒙乃爾 (Monel)材料專業(yè)經銷商及哈氏合金,英科乃爾和蒙乃爾的標準和非標準設備,部件及哈氏B-2/3和哈氏C-276纏繞墊片和石墨增強墊片等專業(yè)制造商.這些特殊材料和設備廣泛用于石化,制藥,電力等行業(yè)我公司擁有國外特殊材料供貨商和哈氏合金,鋯702 和705,英科乃爾和蒙乃爾成熟制造經驗,提供以下哈氏合金,鋯702 和705,英科乃爾和蒙乃爾設備和部件 1材料:管,板,棒,焊材等 2設備:容器,換熱器,過濾器,攪拌器,混合器,哈氏C-276換熱器 (燒堿工業(yè)用),塔規(guī)整和散堆填料和其他非標設備等 3部件: 法蘭,管件,靜電接地環(huán),管路系統(tǒng),閥門其他非標產品等 4.墊片:哈氏C276和哈氏B2/3纏繞墊片醋酸醋肝裝置和其他裝置用 5鋼帶:哈氏B2/3,哈氏C276, 英科乃爾和蒙乃爾鋼帶和纏繞墊片,塔內件填料,波紋管和阻火器鋼帶 6過濾器: 哈氏B-3 V型過濾器,鋯702 V型過濾器,哈氏C-276 Y型過濾器(永久使用)(醋酸和醋肝裝置用) 7測溫保護管部件(儀表系統(tǒng)用) 8除沫器(醋酸和醋肝裝置用) 9緊固件:螺栓,螺母,墊圈,U形螺栓 10絲,絲網 11技術服務,易損件,以國代進,緊急供應等有些規(guī)格哈氏合金和鋯702和705材料我公司備有庫存主要業(yè)績:從1997年起,我公司已為許多著名國外獨資,合資,大型國內企業(yè)提供哈氏合金,鋯702 和705,英科乃爾和蒙乃爾材料,各種形式設備和部件及哈氏合金纏繞墊片等.如BASF,BP,ABB,重慶揚子乙?;び邢薰荆˙P)(醋酸廠),上海吳涇醋酸有限公司,鎮(zhèn)江索普醋酸有限公司,山東華魯恒升化工股份有限公司(醋酸和醋肝),上海石化,高橋石化, 華能電廠,上海焦化有限公司,河南神馬氯堿化工股份有限公司和杭州東日玻璃鋼有限公司等。
Equipment and parts for Hastelloy, Ziconium 702 and 705,Inconel and Monel. Our corporation is a manufacturer and importer to fabricate and submit the all types of equipment, materials, parts, gasket and fittings of Hastelloy, Inconel, Monel and Zirconium etc. These equipment and parts are wide used in the fields of petrochemical, chemical , pharmacy, food , power, marine and many industries Our corporation makes the full used of its purchase channels at abroad and its rich experience in handing special materials to submit following material,equipment and parts of Hastelloy, Zirconium 702 and 705, Inconel and Mone. 1.Material. Pipes/tubes, plates/sheets,bars and welding material 2. Equipment. Vessels, exchangers, fillers , agatators, mixers,exchangers used in caustic soda plants, packings in tower, standard equipment?or?non standard equipment. 3. Parts. Flanges, fitting (45 and 90 degree elbows, 180 degree retuns, concentric and eccentric reducers,straight tees, straight cross, reducing outlet tees, reducing outlet cross, lap joint ends, caps etc.), rings used anti-power ,satisfy pipes used in instructing systems, accessories of pipe line , valves and various parts. 4. Spiral wound gaskets: Spiral wound gaskets of Hastelloy C-276, Hastelloy B2/3 used in of acetic acid , acetic anhydride and other plants 5. Stripes:Stripes of Hastelloy, Monel,Inconel used in spiral wound gaskets, bellows and preventing fire and packing parts in the tower etc 6. Fillers. V type fillers of Hastelloy B-3 and Zirconium 702 as well as Y type of Hastelloy C-276 used in of acetic acid , acetic anhydride and other plants 7.Safeting pipes for measuring temperture used for instructe systems 8. Meshs used in of acetic acid , acetic anhydride and other plants 9. Fiasteners: Bolts,nuts, washes and U type bolts 10. Wires and mesh: 11. Technical service, imported products substituted by home Some Hastelloy, Zirconium have stected in our company. Main reference list. Since 1997, our company had submitted a lot of various material, equipment and parts of Hastelloy, Ziconium 702 and 705,Inconel and Monel for many famous corporations in home and abroad in past years, such as BASF, BP, JUC, GEA, Chongqin Yangtze (BP) River Acetyls Co.,Ltd (Acetic acid plant), etc., Shanghai Wujing Chemical Co., Ltd (Acetic acid plant), Zhenjiang Suopu Chemical Co., Ltd (Acetic acid plant), Huolu Hengshen Chemical Co., Ltd.,Shanghai Coking & Chemical Corporation, Huaneng Power Co., Ltd and other corporations etc. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at you convenience. Best regards,
哈氏合金材料哈氏合金c276設備部件 哈氏合金螺栓c276
免責聲明 :

本頁面所展現(xiàn)的信息: 哈氏合金管哈氏c276管哈氏b3管哈氏c22管材 ,該信息的真實性、準確性、合法性由該信息的發(fā)布方: 上海本初機電設備有限公司 完全負責。生化分析儀器網對此不承擔任何保證責任。

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